Breaking rules result in punishments.

There are several types of punishments:

  • Warning - This is where a public announcement is made that mentions your name and that you have broken a rule. We will determine whether you knew what you were doing was wrong or whether a warning is necessary to explain it to you.
  • Temporary Ban - This is where you are not able to view the website for a certain period of time.
  • Permanent Ban - You can never again view the website.

The following rules list the most serious violations:

  • No Hacking - This should go without saying, but you are not permitted to hack the website. Guessing someone else's password and succeeding counts as hacking. Members who hack will instantly be permanently banned without any warnings.
  • No Discrimination - You may not insult members based on their religion, race, sex, political beliefs, or whether they are gay or straight. This is worse than flaming, because it also hurts other members of the board who fall into the category you insult. InfluencerMafia is a place where everyone is equal, and discrimination will NOT be tolerated!
  • No Bullying - Do not pick on other members. The worst kind of bullying is where new members are picked on. This hurts the member as well as the website.
  • No Flaming - Flaming harms the nice atmosphere of InfluencerMafia. It also causes thread's to go off topic, and most importantly, it hurts the person being flamed. The victim may defend themselves against any accusations made to them, but may not make any additional accusations to the flamer (which also counts as flaming).
  • No Profanity - Such content does not belong on InfluencerMafia.

The following rules are also important:

  • No Advertising - You are not permitted to make money using InfluencerMafia (except for places where it explicitly states that it's allowed).
  • No Illegal Activity - You are not allowed to break the law using InfluencerMafia. This can get InfluencerMafia into legal trouble. Posting links to warez is illegal, so this counts as a violation of this rule.
  • No Double Posting or Spamming - You may not post more than once in a row in the same thread. Posting lots of times in a row reduces the quality of the board, is a waste of the board's memory, and provides the culprit with ill earned post count points. Spamming is also not allowed, and is defined as a post that has no meaning.
  • No Unnecessary Topic Bumping - You can revive an old interesting thread by bumping. If you made a thread because you need help with something, you may post again as long as you include additional information about your problem (the fact that you really really want it fixed does not count as additional information). You must post this in the same thread, and you are not allowed to create more than one thread per topic.
  • No Posting of Personal Info - You may not post your last name, or your street address on InfluencerMafia. This is because this information then becomes accessible to anyone.

The following are a set of amendments to clarify the rules for those people who wish to nitpick:

Amendment 1 - There are no excuses for breaking the rules. It doesn't matter if you were angry at the time and weren't thinking straight. It doesn't matter if you were only kidding around. If you break a rule, it does the same damage, regardless of your reasons for breaking it, and you will be punished all the same.

Amendment 2 - Staff abuse will not be tolerated. As a staff member, your job is to help the people, not harm them. You may only use your powers for the purposes that they have been given to you for. There is no limit on how much you may be punished for this severe offense as this must be stopped at all costs to protect the people. This means that if you abuse your powers, there is a good chance you will be permanently banned.

Amendment 3 - Harassing the crew members about punishments is not allowed. The moderators are only trying to do their job, and many times they have to make difficult decisions. You may post your opinion in the thread that announces the punishment, so long as you do not flame anyone. If this thread gets out of hand, it will be closed, and you may not complain elsewhere on the board, or by other means including, but not limited to: private messages, instant messaging programs, email, telephone calls, and house visits. You also may not make threats against crew members (or other members for that matter...).